TOKYO BUST EXPRESS in the house! I’ll be discussing about bust and boobs! I’ve been invited to Tokyo Bust, the leading bust enhancement specialist with the most outlets islandwide earlier in March but only recently paid a visit. To me, boobs are just boobs. The size does not really bother me so I don’t really feel there is a need for me to do anything about them. However, some of my friends have tried their treatments before and told me that they were pretty surprise about the results and there is no harm for me to try.
I went down to try out the treatment but honestly wasn’t expecting any results. However, I thought it’ll be good to give my boobs some massage. Although the size of my bust does not hinder me but it might be a problem to some females. Here (below) I’m explaining to my specialist, the one and only problem that I face having a not so huge bust. I’ve always encountered the, ”bra problem”. It can be very frustrating when I’m trying to get a bra that fits, it is not the cup size problem but the buckles at the back, and it is still loose even at the tightest hook. Since it is not the cup size problem, I blame it on my petite frame.
My specialist started off by explaining the structure of the breast, I bet a lot of females do not know the internal structure or what actually forms the breast other than fats. In Tokyo Bust Express they believe in natural enhancement through various methods of massage using natural soy-infused ingredients. Soybean extracts contain phyto-nutrients to stimulate female hormones and aids in optimal bust development. I’ve also learnt that that apart from just aesthetic appeal, treatments at Tokyo Bust Express are also for health purposes. It boozes circulation and helps in lymphatic drainage. Regular massage also minimizes the chance of breast cancer.
After the examination of the breast, (which some may find it a little awkward), but do not worry, the specialists at Tokyo Bust Express are very professional. My specialist told me that I have slight sagging problem due to my weight lost over the years. I was 44kg when I first graduated from secondary school and now 40/41kg; my weight lost wasn’t due to deliberate diets but because of my irregular meals and sleep time.
My visit was at NEX shopping mall at Serangoon, the rooms are very clean and cozy. Bathrobe is provided for you to change into before treatment.
Here are my two cents on the different steps of treatment by sequence:
1. Detox Scrub
Basically this is a simple scrub process to remove dead skin cells on the bust area so that it could absorb the essence better.
2. Application of Phyto- Essence
After the scrub, phyto-essence is applied onto the bust area to prepare and enhance the effects of treatments later.
3. TT push up therapy with Phyto- Essence
-Helps in toning and lifting of breasts
-Prevents current condition from worsening
-A bust-care treatment that aids in maintaining shape of breasts (maintenance)
With the help of technology, everything is made possible! This machine I call it the “wake me up” machine. It is as though waking up your sleepy bust that has been inactive. An elastic Velcro strap is wrapped around your bust and it gives of a tapping feeling, does not hurt but might feel a little ticklish.
4. Detox-Me Senchi Bust Massage
-Helps in bust circulation and lymphatic drainage
(Detoxifying purposes)
-Stimulate on the mammary glands to enhance and firm up the breast
-Aids in preventing breast cancer and related illnesses
The fourth step and second step felt rather similar, just that the massaging here lasted longer and focuses on pressure points to help soothe lymph nodes.
5. Bust Suction Therapy
-To help shape for a rounder and fuller bust by stimulating mammary glands
-To re-position your breasts to reduce the "mini boob" or armpit fats between breast and armpit
- lessens gap between breasts
Last but not least, again the help of machineries is involved. A cup look alike form is placed on both breast each and a suction pressure is introduced. It goes on an interval and releases it’s pressure. I was a little worried at first that it might leave bruises or blood clot because it seems like a mild version of cupping. However at the end of the treatment I was surprise to find no marks or bruises. (big relieve)
The entire treatment took about an hour or so. Throughout, I kind of fell asleep a couple times so I guess I can say that it is a pretty relaxing treatment. At the start of the session, I was asked to stand facing the wall and a marking was drawn on the wall to indicate the level of the nipple. After the session, the same process was repeated on the same wall same marking and I was really surprise it moved up by about an inch, which means it is slightly fuller and a slight push up effect is achieved. I really wasn’t expecting anything so it was indeed a pleasant surprise. I asked my therapist if it would stay this way for long, unfortunately with just one session it wouldn’t be permanent. A couple sessions is needed in order for the bust to stay enhanced and in shape. The number of sessions varies on individuals; some might need more or less.
My thoughts about natural bust enhancement now is that, it is not a must but it is definitely a good way in keeping the breast healthy, in shape and to promote good circulation. For the health and circulation. I might now consider going for a treatment every 1- 2 months.
Tokyo Bust Express has specially formulated bust products customized to suit different bust needs. I was given the Intensive Bust Enhancement Firming Cream Serum and the Bust Essence to be applied daily after shower. Both serum is a tad bit sticky after application so I chose to apply it only at night after shower. The serum is a post treatment, it does not produce effect like the treatments provided in the center itself but it helps maintain and boost bust health.
Here’s my specialist, Bao Hui and me. Thank you Tokyo Bust Express for the invite and the experience.
Exclusive promotion for my fellow ladies!!!
FREE 3x Bust Maximizer Treatments
Senchi Bust Massage
Worth $1,006 in total!
Just answer a simple question below to participate! Also, feel free to drop Tokyo Bust Express an email at if you have any questions :)
- Promotion valid for 2 months
Location (Tokyo Bust Express) :
180 Kitchener Road #B2-39 Singapore 208539
· Park Mall
9 Penang Road #11-06 Spore 238459
23 Serangoon Central, #03-32 556083
· Novena Square 2
10 Sinaran Drive #B1-111 307506
For more information you can always visit Tokyo Bust Express or call 6262 6161 to make an enquiry or to book an appointment !