About 3 months ago, I visited DRx with szes for our first
session and began our journey to clearer and healthier skin! Szes and I have
very different skin problems. While mine is not the obvious type, like acne break
out, clog pores or oily skin, I do have my problems too. More about that later~
Us without make up but…. Really don’t look too human :/ Thus
the illustration.
While making our way to meet Dr Hui Yun, we pass by this
area, it’s a waiting area for people who are waiting to get fillers or botox
done. Though I don’t think I will be trying any so soon, these comfy chairs
made this section my favourite in the clinic.
My first session with Dr Hui Yun. I told her my skin
condition and she carefully listens and advise me on certain skin care tips.
Proceed with up close skin diagnosis~ After which we went
for some picture taking. To keep track of our progress and to compare the skin
condition from the first time we came to DRx and the current condition.
I was told to stop all my sin care products and was
introduced a whole new range.
Initially I was like, WTH, stop all my products?! I spent so
much money on them!! But I really wanted to solve my skin problems so beggars
can’t be choosers. The staff carefully explained the steps and process of the
skin care regime prescribe to me by Dr Hui Yun. I’ve also learnt that my method
of applying sunscreen has been wrong all along -__-
Seven, Lucky seven. I was prescribe 7 skin care products.
Most of the time, most people only have 3 steps. Cleanse, toner and
moisturizer. Initially trying to stick to the regime is quite a hassle but
you’ll get the hang of it in a couple of days. And I must say it is all worth.
On the first day when I tried the facial wash, I immediately texted szes and
said my skin felt awesome after only one use and she said I’m a “kua
zhang”(exxagerate) kid. But really I felt that way!

Moving back to my skin condition, I do not have any bad
breakouts or anything near that my whole life. To begin with I’m blessed with
pretty clear skin. So what is my issue? Though I do not have acne or pimple
breakouts neither oily skin issues. But I have really sensitive and dry skin.
Time to time my skin gets so dry, it started flaking, especially at the eye and
nose area. Above is a pic I grabbed from the internet (cause I did not took any
of mine when I had it). This is exactly how it looks when my skin starts to
flake. It is dry, itchy and no amount of moisturizer I spam could improve it.
It will go off in approx a week, but its an on and off kind of thing. And it
can get really annoying. Worst when I have to go for photoshoots, again no
amount of products, bb cream or concealer could hide the flaking skin:(

Another problem with me is that I have really itchy hands, I
can’t stand the sight of black/white heads. I squeeze them every night before
removing make up and that leaves red spots/scares. The pic above is my skin
condition after the basic 3 step skin regime most of us have. It is not
particularly bad but there are red spots, scars, bums and visible white/black
heads that refuse to come out despite the squeezing.
And even with make up, some of the red spots/scars are still
visible. After being on DRx skin care rigime for about 3 months, I can proudly
say that my skin condition had improved so much. I no longer experience flaking
skin and my stubborn black/white heads have tremendously lessen. I no longer
have to squeeze them and that leaves my skin spotless. :D
This is a pic of my clear skin when I wake up in the
morning. I recently tried eyelash extension and that explains the lashes, I’m
not crazy enough to wear mascara to sleep.
Till date, I’ve been on DRx products for almost 3 months. In
between I went back twice for reviews. I’m really satisfied and amazed how DRx
could solve my dry and flaking skin which has been troubling me for many years.
I’ve tried and have seen good results of my DRx skincare
regime. *(different skin types vary and might take shorter or longer time to
see results) Through these 3 months I didn’t use a single facial mask, just
products DRx prescribed to me.
If you have
troubled or dull skin and wishes to solve it, book an appointment for
consultation first, to know your skin condition before deciding if you want to
try out products from DRx.
Appointment can be booked through
website and phone calls
You can check out their
facebook and website for additional