It's been about 3 months I came back from my first trip ever to New Zealand trip, but seriously I just can't get over it and I can't believe that it is already over :(
The trip was so packed, it's almost like an action pack movie! My team and I were there for 2 weeks+ and we tried to maximise the places we could cover but sadly we still did not manage to cover the entire NZ. It is not possible, you probably need a month or more to do so.
As some of you might know that I have been travelling with Jetstar since December and I am so privileged to be able to work with them! Very efficient with all my bookings! One thing that I have to emphasise is that they are extremely punctual about their check-in timing, it's a really good thing to avoid delays but again you've got to make sure to be on time incase you miss the cut off time. I almost did :/
As some of you might know that I have been travelling with Jetstar since December and I am so privileged to be able to work with them! Very efficient with all my bookings! One thing that I have to emphasise is that they are extremely punctual about their check-in timing, it's a really good thing to avoid delays but again you've got to make sure to be on time incase you miss the cut off time. I almost did :/

Why fly budget, why transit, why Jetstar? That's the kind of questions I get from my friends and family. Well~ to be down right honest, who does not want to fly first class? I would if I could or at least once in my life. But I was thinking in a more logical and economical way that would benefit the majority and people of my age who probably wants to enjoy but not splurge on air tickets and transport. There are definitely pros and cons by choosing budget. It is entirely up to your own decision. As for me, I'd save on that to go on perhaps another trip.

New Zealand is separated into the South and North Island, in order to get across, you can take a ferry approx 3 hrs (if I didn't remember it wrongly) For my case, I've chosen to start my trip from the South Island (Queenstown) This is not the direct transit route because you will have to check out upon arrival in Melbourne and for that you will have to pay for a ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) even though you are just transiting. Whereas the direct transit flights to New Zealand (Christchurch and Auckland) by Jetstar would not require you to check out while on transit. The reason for not choosing the direct transit flight is so that I could accommodate to the route that my team and I have planned. Otherwise I'd recommend taking the direct transits.

Jetstar had launched their 787 Dreamliner just last year and what is so special about it, is it's a much bigger aircraft and they provide business class seatings. However, right now this Dreamliner is only available for flights to Melbourne. Hopefully to more destinations in future! I have to thank Jetstar for giving me my virgin experience of flying in business class! Well~ service is definitely different from economy but if think about it, for the same amount paid for non-budget airlines on economy could land you in business class on Jetstar's 787 Dreamliner. Not bad at all aye?
*Meals, drinks, snacks and a 30Kg baggage is included in business tickets!
*Meals, drinks, snacks and a 30Kg baggage is included in business tickets!

My team and I flew 7hrs straight to Melbourne and had a 4hrs transit where we had our breakfast and some fresh air before boarding the plane to Queenstown for another 3hrs.

Transits do take a little more time but it is actually pretty good for people like me who do not like sitting down for long hrs.

This is by far my longest flight ever! I have a phobia for turbulence and I usually try to avoid long plane rides. That explains why I still have not explored Europe or America. The thought of the plane ride and possible turbulence sacres the hell out of me. But someday~ I'll get there!

Thank god there weren't too much turbulence in this trip, thumbs up to the pilots and the good weather! I have had so much out of the world experience in New Zealand, it definitely is one of the best trips I had so far!

Well~ I thought 2 weeks+ is kind of long, my longest trip in fact. But in a blink of eye, it ended! :'(
I always have this bitter sweet feeling to leave a country. Part of me wants to head home to continue being a workaholic and the other part just wants to stay and enjoy. Which ever way, I feel that travelling is not just about all the fun but also about the bad, how do you deal with it and how do solve it. How do you make the best of what you've got and I definitely feel enriched every single time I travel.

I know I have said this but I'm gonna say it again. THANK YOU JETSTAR for jetting my team and I to New Zealand!!! And also to Bangkok earlier this year, I'll be working on another post and hopefully Video for the BKK trip, meanwhile for those who have not seen the Video that my team have produced for this New Zealand trip, I have attached the Video below. Give me a thumbs up and subscribe if you have enjoyed watching and would like to see more!

Before I sign off, I thought it'll be great to share with you guys something really thoughtful that Jetstar have come up with, to benefit us from getting the best ticket price! It is called the Price Watch, an online mechanism where we, consumers can sign up and receive notifications for a particular route when the price drops beneath a certain amount. In that way we don't have to check and refresh the page every few hours.
(Best viewed in HD!!)
A lot of work has been put into making this trip and Video possible, It means a lot to me and I deeply appreciate if anyone of you could show some support by helping me share it! Thank you ^^